Common Questions

Does resale harm new sales or brand perception?

The short answer is NO, resale builds loyalty, brings in new customers and underlines your value proposition.

What are the main barriers for big fashion brands to implement circular practices?

Big companies take a lot to change direction. It's doable if you first zoom out, understand the full landscape of what you're trying to do, then pick 1 place to start!

Will logistics providers create an integration that enables smaller merchants to offer resale/reuse with reverse logistics capabilities?

Many 3PLs already have some of these functions and need to repurpose and retool for the circular economy.

What are the most common logistical issues that come up? How do brands know "where their stuff is" after it's been sold?

To avoid common issues, you need to decide what you want to take back and what you want to do with it, then you need to make the program visible.

How can resale and reuse be implemented as revenue-generating verticals rather than "CSR" initiatives?

Resale is a new revenue stream. Customer loyalty and acquisition are a natural part of resale. Build your brand over time with resale, reuse and recycling-this is a sustainable way to bring in Gen Z over time.